TB 9-2350-292-10
Take the following items into consideration while doing your
terrain analysis.
Trails/grades with sharp curves mean additional control
is needed during ascending and descending. There is no
safety zone in case of a runaway load.
Inclement weather (rain, snow, ice) will naturally affect
the road conditions, making them more likely to cause
loss of traction.
Dry, dusty soil can cause a loss of traction as well as wet
muddy soil. Do not let the soil conditions fool you.
If you have to shift into first gear to climb a grade, there is a
good chance it is too steep to descend that way with a towed
load. Check it before descending.
If you can find a way around the steep grades, good. If not,
what are your options? First notify your commander. Tell him the
percent grade of the road, weather visibility, and what the road
conditions are (wet, dry, muddy, paved). The recovery vehicle
driver's experience, and the type load he is towing, will play an
important role in the commander's decision. If you, the driver,
do not feel confident in negotiating the grade, make that known
to the commander. The best course of action may be to get the
most experienced wrecker/recovery vehicle operator on the site
to take the mission.
In summary, ensure you conduct a good route reconnais-
sance on your way to the disabled vehicle's site. Avoid all hills
or roads with a grade of 25 percent or greater when at all pos-
sible while towing a load. If not, notify your commander and take
proper precautions.