TM 3-1040-220-12&P
nylon sleeves and discard them to
prevent rotating of the disperser nozzle.
(g) that helicopter tiedown and hose tiedown are
Either the pilot or copilot must wear a
tight and that jam nut is tight so that the hose tiedown
protective mask during the entire
cannot rotate.
(h) that the quick release pin (1, fig. 2-1) is properly
installed and that the pin can be withdrawn and installed
Vehicle operator must wear a protective
by the operator wearing gloves.
mask while operating the vehicle.
(j) that the agent container was filled with the agent
prescribed for the mission and that the compressed gas
The entire helicopter crew or vehicle
cylinders were charged with air between 1,900-2,100 psi
crew must be equipped with protective
c. Before Operation Services--Ground Vehicle.
(1) Before starting a mission in the ground vehicle,
The operator must wear protective
check that the exterior surfaces of the disperser are free
masks, hood, and rubber gloves while
of any possible spilled agent and that the disperser
operating this disperser.
surfaces are dry.
(2) After organizational maintenance personnel have
a. Protective Clothing and Equipment. Ordinary
mounted the disperser in the ground vehicle, the
field clothing with buttoned collars and cuffs and trouser
operator must check that the following before operation
legs tucked into boots will suffice for protecting the body
services were performed:
against the effects of CS. Personnel who handle or
(a) that disperser is installed with controls, valves,
disperse agents must wear rubber gloves, a protective
and gages visible and accessible to the operator for easy
disperse agent will insure that the mask hood and
(b) that disperser is installed with cargo tiedowns
protective mask fit together as CS on the face and neck
securely fastening the disperser to the ground vehicle.
can cause annoying irritation, especially on skin wet with
(c) that the agent container was filled with the agent
prescribed for the mission and that the compressed gas
b. Before Operating Services--Helicopter.
cylinders were charged with air between 1,900-2,100 psi
(1) Before starting mission in the helicopter, check
that the exterior surfaces of the disperser are free of any
(d) that the quick release pin (1, fig. 2,1) is properly
possible spilled agent and that the disperser surfaces are
installed and that the pin can be withdrawn and installed.
(e) that the nonmetallic hose assembly will not kink
(2) After organizational maintenance personnel have
at quick disconnect coupling when maneuvered.
mounted the disperser in the helicopter, the operator
(f) that.
M9 gun is securely screwed on the
must check that the following before operation services
nonmetallic hose.
were performed:
(g) that M9 gun trigger safety operates properly.
(a) that corrugated hose is in a straight line from ball
(h) that the troop seats on the ground vehicle are in
valve to exit.
the down position (or are off the vehicle).
(b) that disperser is installed with controls, valves,
and gages visible and accessible to the operator for easy
(c) that disperser is installed with cargo tiedowns
a. General. Travel of the agent cloud after its
securely fastened to the helicopter floor rings.
release from the disperser depends on the surface wind.
(d) that corrugated hose is taped to the helicopter
Consequently, the disperser must always be operated
where necessary. The hose should be taped to the strut
upwind from the target area so that the agent will be
just above the helicopter tiedown.
blown to the target. The disperser cannot be relied upon
(e) that slack was allowed in corrugated hose open
to give effective results when the surface windspeed is
end to allow for extension of landing gear strut on take
greater than 20 miles per hour.
b. Preparation for Operation. Open the globe
(f) that open end of hose is not aimed at any part of
the helicopter and that hose open end points down.
If the helicopter tiedown clamps have
nylon sleeves over them remove the