b. Report
recommendations for improving this manual by the
The maximum U.S. Air Force aircraft
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
cargo weight and range capabilities
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
to DA Publications) and forwarded to Director, U.S.
Army Transportation Engineering Agency, Military
Standard day conditions
Traffic Management and Terminal Service, ATTN: MTT-
Sea Level operating conditions
GD, Fort Eustis, Va. 23604.
Hard-surfaced runways
No weather alternate required
2. Description
No wind conditions
Fuel reserve
The M88 recovery vehicle is a heavily armored, full
Constant cruising altitude
track-laying, low-silhouette vehicle that performs
In the event one or more of these operating conditions
hoisting, winching, and towing operations in the rescue
are changed, the maximum cargo load and/or range
and recovery of light and medium tanks, self-propelled
may be affected.
equipment, and other vehicles. It also supports medium
b. Shipment by Highway.
and light tank units to effect battle field recovery, and is
On road. The item can be transported on
equipped to assist in repairs of supported vehicles under
highway by its own power or when loaded on a
typical field conditions. The vehicle carries a crew of
semitrailer of adequate capacity; however, movement
four: commander, driver, mechanic, and rigger.
over public highways in CONUS and oversea areas
should be made only when other modes of transport
3. Modes of Transport
cannot be used. Weight and width of the item exceed
the legal highway limitations in CONUS and the
a. Shipment by Air.
recommended highway limitations in oversea areas.
The item cannot be transported by U.S.
When the item is loaded on a semitrailer, the height
Army aircraft.
may exceed the legal highway limitations in CONUS
Based on a typical mission of 5,500
and will exceed the recommended limitations in oversea
nautical miles (10186 km), one way, the item can be
areas. Special permits will be required in CONUS, and
transported without sectionalization by the C-5A U.S.
special routing may be required overseas. Tuning
Air Force aircraft.
characteristics of the item loaded on an M15A2
semitrailer towed by the M123 truck tractor are shown in