TM 9-2350-238-10APPENDIX GLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSGENERALThese lubrication instructionssections based on lubricationquarterly (3 months)).are divided into twointervals (daily andAn overall view showing lubrication pointsprecedes each set of detailed notes.A broken leader line (- - -) means there arelubrication points on both sides of the vehicle.Intervals are based on normal operation.lllLubricate more during constant operation.Perform a quarterly lubrication as soon aspossible after water fording operation.For operation of vehicle in protracted coldtemperatures below O°F (-18°C), removelubricants prescribed in the key fortemperatures above O°F (-18°C), clean partswith dry cleaning solvent, and relubricate withlubricants specified in key for temperatures+40° to -70°F (+4°C to -57°C).MAN-HOUR TIMESThe man-hour time specified is the time you needto do all the services prescribed for a particularinterval.LEVEL OF MAINTENANCE:C--Operator/CrewLUBRICANT POINTSType of lubricants used at each point are identifiedby arrows:OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING:llllNEVER use the wrong type of grease.NEVER use too much lubrication.ALWAYS clean grease fittings beforelubrication.ALWAYS use the lubrication instructions.Change 3G-1
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