TM 9-2350-238-10
The following parts are lubricated at time of assembly:
l S t a r t e r
l G e n e r a t o r
l Slip ring
l Traversing drive assembly
l Magnetic clutch output shaft bearings
l Auxiliary clutch drive shaft splines
l Accelerator pedal bushings
l Vehicle control pivot points
l Towing hook pin
l Fixed fire extinguisher release mechanism
l Cupola and drivers hatch cover torsion bar splines
l Brake pedal mechanism
l Fan assembly
Do not lubricate the following parts:
l Generator fan
l Air cleaner blower motor
l Personnel heater motor
l Drivers heater motor
l Winterization kit heater electric fuel pump and coolant pump
1 New engines are delivered with preservative oil MIL-L-21260 (see DD Form 1397). Unless
an oil change is necessary to meet ambient temperature requirements or until first
scheduled oil change, maintain proper oil level by adding OE/HDO or OEA as required for
expected temperatures.
At time of powerplant removal, clean and coat threads on engine bolt with GAA. Do not
lubricate bracket mounting screws.
2 New transmissions are delivered with preservative oil MIL-L-21260 (See DD Form 1397).
Unless an oil change is necessary to meet ambient temperature requirements or until first
scheduled oil change, maintain proper oil level by adding OE/HDO or OEA as required for
expected temperatures.
3 Perform a quarterly lubrication after any fording operation.
4 Perform complete servicing of all lubrication points when a vehicle which has been in
storage for an extended period of time is put into service.
5 Before initial start of new or overhauled engine, or one removed from storage, remove both
rocker assembly covers and our one quart of oil (OE/HDO or OEA) over rocker arms and
push rods. Use oil required for expected temperature.
Change 3