TM 9-2350-238-10CRANE OPERATOR AND RIGGER CONTROLS–CONTINUEDKey192021222324252627Control or IndicatorTraversing foot pedalHydraulic ram hand pumphandleQuick disconnectcoupling with capTow winch brake pres-sure selector valveBoom winch brake pres-sure selector valveBoom cylinderBoom winch hydraulicmotorBoom cylinder bypassvalveIntercommunicationcontrol boxFunctionOperates a three-position hydraulic valve to control traversingcrane cab by releasing traversing brake and traversing cabclockwise or counterclockwise. It is spring-loaded to return tocenter position.Operates a double acting hydraulic ram pump to release towwinch, boom winch, and traversing unit brakes and to raisespade when vehicle hydraulic system pressure is notavailable.Provides a connection for accessory hydraulic hose that isconnected to impact wrench selector valve to allow raisingspade with hydraulic ram hand pump.A two-position valve. When valve knob is pushed in (normalposition), system hydraulic pressure will release tow winchbrake. When valve knob is pulled out (emergency position),hydraulic ram hand pump hydraulic pressure will release towwinch brake.A two-position valve. When valve knob is pushed in (normalposition), system hydraulic pressure will release boom winchbrake. When valve knob is pulled out (emergency position),hydraulic ram hand pump hydraulic pressure will release boomwinch brake.Two hydraulic cylinders that raise and lower boom.Plays out or retrieves cable.A two-position valve. When handle is pointed to left (normalposition), valve is closed. When handle is pointed forward,valve is open and hydraulic pressure in boom cylinders isreleased to lower boom. Valve must be opened slowly to pre-vent damage to equipment.Provides interphone and radio control facilities for crew.2-11
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