TM 9-2350-238-10ItemNo.3334Table 2-1. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES FOR THERECOVERY VEHICLE M578–CONTINUEDIntervalAfterAfterItem toCheck/ServiceSuspensionLockoutSystem(Continued)SpadeProcedureb. Check for defective lockoutcylinders.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)LowerPlace a wood block, 4 to 6in. (10.16 to 15.24 cm) high,under one track.Start engine and make surelockout control valve handleis in UNLOCKED position.Drive vehicle over blockslowly. Watch road wheels.All road wheels should riseover block. If any do not rise,notify unit maintenance.Set lockout control valvehandle in LOCKED position.Drive vehicle over blockslowly. Watch road wheels.Except as noted above,wheels should remain rigid. Ifany wheel rises, notify unitmaintenance.and raise spade, checking forcracks at cylinder mounting points,smoothness of operation, and leaks.Not fully MissionCapable if:Two front or tworear lockout cylin-ders are inoperative.Two lockoutcylinders are in-operative on oneside of vehicle.During operation,spade cannot beemplaced or re-tracked to stowedposition.Cracks exist atcylinder mountingpoints or class Illleak is present.2-41
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