TM 9-2350-238-34-241424344454647Do not allow pressure to go over500 psi (3448 kPa). Failure tofollow instructions may result indamage to equipment.Loosen nut (19).Watching oil pressure tester, push TOWWINCH control handle (20) slowly toOUT. If pressure is more than 500 psi(3448 kpa) while operating tow winch,turn screw (21) counterclockwise todecrease pressure.Adjust pressure for pressure relief valve(22) to between 180 and 220 psi (1241and 1517 kPa) by turning screw (21)counterclockwise to decrease pressureand clockwise to increase pressure.When correct pressure adjustment is ob-tained, tighten nut (19).If correct pressure adjustment cannot beobtained, repair pressure relief valve(22). Refer to page 2-163.Set transmission shift control lever (18)to N.Allow tow winch cable to slacken.2-175
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