TM 9-2350-256-10Section II. COEI-Continued.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Illo.QtyNo. NSNDescription, CAGEC, and PNU/I Req265315-00-706-9195PIN, GROOVED, HEADED: tow cableEA2hook (used with hook 7068219) (inexterior compartment, left side)(19207) 7069195275315-00-200-8376PIN, GROOVED, HEADED: clevis, towEA4bar (used with clevis 8383805) (in rightbasket under floor, behind driver)(19207) 8383813285315-00-350-4326 PIN, LOCKING: attaching, for HD tow bar EA16(in small parts box)(19207) 5213744294010-00-291-7979PIN, SHACKLE: for shackle 7357963 (inEA2small parts box)(19207) 7357978305830-00-543-0737RADIO, INTERCOMMUNICATION1SYSTEM:(80058) AN/VIC-1312540-00-318-0326 SHACKLE ASSEMBLY: anchor, 0.875-6in.-(22.2-mm-) dia. with pin 7357982 (inright basket under floor, behind driver)(19207) 7357967B-8
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