TM 9-2350-256-10Section III. BII-Continued.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Illo.QtyNo. NSNDescription, CAGEC, and PNU/I Req154010-01-010-2536CHAIN ASSEMBLY: single leg, utility,EA20.75-in.-(1 9.1-mm-) x 12-ft-(3.66-m-) (inexterior compartment, left side)(19207) 8744250164010-00-473-6166CHAIN, UTILITY, SINGLE LEG: 0.625-in.- EA2(15.9-mm-) x 16-ft-(4.88-m-) with hookand end link (2) (in right basket underfloor, behind driver)(19207) 7077063173439-00-383-3634CLEANER SET, WELDING AND1CUTTING TIPS: 12-pc. in metal case (insmall parts box)(81349) MIL-C-17223184730-00-905-2692COUPLING, PIPE: 3/4-in. NPT (in smallEA1parts box)(96906) MS39233-16195120-00-224-1390 CROWBAR: pinch point, 5-ft-(1.52-m-)EA2Ig. x 1.25-in.-(31.2-mm-) w. (on top ofengine deck cover)(81348) GGG-B-101B-16
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