TM 9-2350-256-20CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAlNTENANCE INSTRUCTlONS2-17 HYDRAULIC TROUBLESHOOTING-ContinuedSPADESYMPTOMSSpade fails to operate.Do steps A through F.Spade operates with difficulty.Spade creeps.Do steps A through H.Do steps G and H.NOTEThe spade troubleshooting procedures areperformed using the main hydraulic systemas a fluid power source. If spade operatesusing main hydraulic but not auxiliaryhydraulic, troubleshoot auxiliary hydraulicsystem. If spade operates using auxiliaryh y d r a u l i c b u t n o t m a i n h y d r a u l i c ,troubleshoot main hydraulic system.A Attempt operation of the hoisting boom, hoistwinch, and main winch. If hoisting boom, hoistwinch, and main winch do not operate, troubleshootmain hydraulic system and/or auxiliary hydraulicsystem. If hoisting boom, hoist winch, and mainwinch operate go to step B.Do not attempt to Ioosen or tightenhydraulic fittings or lines when system ispressurized. Severe injury or death topersonnel may result.B Inspect hydraulic lines and connections for leaks.Replace leaking hydraulic lines and tighten leakingconnections (see paragraph 12-1). If leaks persist,notify Direct Support Maintenance.If no leakspersist go to step C.Do not attempt to loosen or tightenhydraulic fittings or lines when system ispressurized. Severe injury or death topersonnel may result.C Visually inspect for any indication of oil leakage atspade cylinders, spade release cylinder, and cylinderhydraulic connections. If oil leaks cannot be stoppedby tightening fittings, notify Direct SupportMaintenance. If oil leaks are not present, go to stepD.2 - 4 8Change 1
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