TM 9-2350-256-34-1b. Other publications pertinent to the operation,maintenance and repair of the Recovery Vehicle,Full Tracked: Medium, M88A1, are listed in ap-pendix A.c. The prescribed maintenance responsibilitieswill apply asreflected in the MaintenanceAllocation Chart (TM 9-2350-256-20).1-2. Forms, Records and Reportsa. General.Responsibility for the properexecution of forms, records and reports rests uponthe commanding officer of all units maintaining thisequipment. However, the value of accurate recordsmust be fully appreciated by all persons responsiblefor their compilation, maintenance and use. Re-cords, reports and authorized forms are normallyutilized to indicate the type, quantity and conditionof materiel to be inspected, to be repaired or to beused in repair. Properly executed forms conveyauthorization and serve as records for repair orreplacement of materiel in the hands of troops andfor delivery of materiel requiring further repair toshops in arsenals, depots, etc. The forms, recordsand reports establish the work required, theprogress of the work within the shops and the statusof the materiel upon completion of repair.b. Au thorized Forms. No forms other than thoseapproved for the Department of the Army will beused. For a complete listing of all forms refer to DAPam 310-2 and TM 38-750.c. Field Reportof Accidents. The reportsnecessary to comply with the Army safety programare listed in AR 385–40. These reports are requiredwhenever accidents involving injury to personnel ordamage to materiel occur.d. Report of Unsatisfactory Equipment andMateriels. Any suggestions pertinent to the im-provement, safety or correction of unsatisfactoryperformance of equipment and materials are to bereported on DA Form 2407 in accordance with in-structions contained in TM 38-750.NOTEDo not report all failures that occur.Report only repeated or recurrent failuresormalfunctionswhich indicateun-satisfactory design or material. However,reports will always be made in the eventthat exceptionally costly equipment is in-volved.Section IID E S C R I P T I O N A N D D A T A1-3. Descriptiona. General. The Recovery Vehicle, Full Tracked:Medium, M88A1 is a medium armored, full tracklaying, low silhouette vehicle that performshoisting, winching and towing operations for tanksand other vehicles. The vehicle also supportsmedium and light tank units to effect battlefieldrecovery. Further detailed descriptions of the in-dividual assemblies and components covered forreplacement and/or repair in this manual will befound in pertinent chapters. General operating andmaintenancedescriptions are found in TM9-2350-256-10, Operator’s Manual, and TM9-2350-256-20,Organizational MaintenanceManual. The general location of major components,assemblies and auxiliaries is shown in figure 1-3.1-4
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