TM 9-2350-256-34-2Figure 1-2. Recovery vehicle, full hacked: medium, M88A1-right rear view.c. The prescribed maintenance responsibilitiesare contained in the maintenance allocation chartin TM 9-2350-256-20.1-2.Forms, Records, and Reportsa. General. Responsibility for the proper execu-tion of forms, records, and reports rests upon thecommanding officer of all units maintaining thisequipment. However, the value of accurate recordsmust be fully appreciated by all persons responsi-ble for their compilation, maintenance, and use.Records, reports, and authorized forms are normallyutilized to indicate the type, quantity and condi-tion of materiel to be inspected, to be repaired, orto be used in repair. Properly executed forms con-vey authorization and serve as records for repairor replacement of materiel in the hands of troopsand for delivery of materiel requiring further repairto ordnance shops in arsenals, depots, etc. The1-2Change 7forms, records, and reports establish the workrequired, the progress of the work within the shopsand the status of the materiel upon completion ofits repair.b. Authorized Forms. For current and completelisting of all forms, refer to current DA PAM 310-2.For instructions on use of these forms, refer toTM 38-750.c. Field Report of Accidents (injury to person-nel or damage to materiel). The reports necessaryto comply with the requirements of the Armysafety program are prescribed in detail in AR 385-40. These reports are required whenever accidentsinvolving personnel or damage to materiel occur.d. Report of Unsatisfactory Equipment and Ma-terials. Any deficiencies detected in the equipmentcovered herein which occur under the circumstancesindicated in TM 38-750 should be immediately re-ported using DA Form 2407.
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