TM 9--2350--292--20--10097 00--24BOOM FAILS TO OPERATE OR OPERATES ROUGHLY -- CONTINUED0097 00CONTINUED FROM STEP ARnoyesCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEIs pressure at port A 440--625 psi?Notify Direct SupportMaintenance.ASAre hose and fittings free of leaks and damage?noyes1. Remove subfloor plates 10, 11 and 12 (WP0454 00).2. Inspect hose and fittings from boom safetyvalve to boom shutoff valve for leaks anddamage.Tighten leaking connec-tions. Replace dam-aged fittings and hose(WP 0576 00). Verifyfault is corrected.Go to Step AF.CONTINUED FROM STEP ARNotify Direct SupportMaintenance.CONTINUED FROM STEP AQATAre hoses and fittings free of leaks and damage?noyes1. Shut down hydraulics and main engine.2. Remove subfloor plates 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 23,31 and 32 (WP 0454 00).3. Inspect hoses and fittings from boom safetyvalve to stayline cylinders for leaks anddamage.Tighten leaking connec-tions. Replace dam-aged hoses and fittings(WP 0566 00). Verifyfault is corrected.Verify fault iscorrected.FORWARD
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