TM 9--2350--292--20--20720 00--3TORQUE LIMITS -- CONTINUED0720 00HOW TO USE TORQUE TABLE -- CONTINUEDTable 2. Torque Limits for Wet FastenersSAE CAPSCREW HEAD MARK-INGSSIZETORQUESAE GRADENo. 1 or 2SAE GRADENo. 5SAE GRADENo. 6 or 7SAE GRADENo. 8DIA.INS.THREADSPER INCHMMsPOUND--FEETNmPOUND--FEETNmPOUND--FEETNmPOUND--FEETNm1/4206.354. 9.012.20 —— 12.617.085/16187.949.913.34 15.322.54 17.123.18 21.629.275/16247.9411.715.87 17.123.18 —— 24.332.953/8169.5316.221.97 27.937.84 30.641.49 39.653.693/8249.5318.024.41 31.542.71 —— 44.159.807/161411.1125.234.17 44.159.80 49.567.12 63.085.427/1620—27.036.61 49.567.12 —— 70.295.191/21312.7035.147.59 67.591.53 76.5103.73 94.5128.141/220—36.950.04 76.5103.73 —— 108.0146.509/161214.2945.962.24 99.0134.24 108.0146.45 139.5189.169/1618—49.567.12 108.0146.45 —— 153.0207.475/81115.8856.776.89 135.0183.06 150.3203.80 189.0256.285/818—85.5115.94 153.0207.47 —— 216.0296.903/41019.0594.5128.14 243.0329.51 252.0341.71 337.5457.653/416—103.5140.35 265.5360.2 —— 378.0536.877/8922.23144.0195.26 355.5482.06 396.0536.98 544.5738.347/814—157.5213.57 391.5530.87 —— 607.5823.771825.40211.5286.79 531.0720.04 594.0805.46 819.01110.56114—225.0305.10 594.0805.46 —— 891.01208.201--1/8—25.58—— 720.0976.32 —— 1152.01562.13792.01073.971296.01757.521--1/4—31.75—— —— —— —2221.112440.801--3/8—34.93—— 1314.01781.82 —— 2142.02904.571512.02050.292448.03319.471--1/2—38.10—— 1746.02367.54 —— 2844.03856.51980.02684.883204.04344.66TIGHTENING METAL FASTENERS.When torquing a fastener, select a wrench whose range (Table 3) fits the required torque value. A torque wrench ismost accurate from 25% to 75% of its stated range. A wrench with a stated range of 0 to 100 will be most accuratefrom 25 to 75 Pound--Feet. The accuracy of readings will decrease as you approach 0 Pound--Feet or 100 Pound--Feet. The following ranges (Table 3) are based on this principle.
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