TM 9--2350--292--24P 0001 000001 00--2EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST WORK PACKAGES --CONTINUEDPE in the 3rd position of the SMR code.PFPGNOTEItems coded PC are subject to deterioration.KD Items with these codes are not to beKF requested/requisitioned individually. TheyKB are part of a kit which is authorized to themaintenance level indicated in the 3rdposition of the SMR code. The completekit must be requisitioned and applied.MO--Made at unit/ Items with these codes are not to beAVUM level requisitioned/requested individually. TheyMF--Made at DS/ must be made from bulk material which isAVILM level identified by the P/N in the DESCRIPTIONMH--Made at GS AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) columnlevel and listed in the bulk material group workML--Made at SRA package of the RPSTL. If the item isMD--Made at depot authorized to you by the 3rd position code ofthe SMR code, but the source code indicatesit is made at higher level, order the itemfrom the higher level of maintenance.AO--Assembled by Items with these codes are not to beunit/AVUM level requested/requisitioned individually. TheAF--Assembled by parts that make up the assembled item mustDS/AVIM level be requisitioned or fabricated and assembledAH--Assembled by at the level of maintenance indicated by theGS level source code. If the 3rd position of the SMRAL--Assembled by code authorizes you to replace the item,SRA but the source code indicates the item isAD--Assembled by assembled at a higher level, order the itemdepot from the higher level of maintenance.XA Do not requisition an “XA” coded item.Order the next higher assembly. (Referto NOTE below.)XB If an item is not available from salvage,order it using the CAGEC and P/N.XC Installation drawings, diagrams, instruction sheets,field service drawings; identified by manufacturer’sP/N.XD Item is not stocked. Order an XD--coded item throughnormal supply channels using the CAGEC and P/Ngiven, if no NSN is available.NOTECannibalization or controlled exchange, when authorized, may be used as a source of supply for items with the abovesource codes except for those items source coded “XA” or those aircraft support items restricted by requirements ofAR 750--1.Maintenance Code. Maintenance codes tell you the level(s) of maintenance authorized to use the repair support items.The maintenance codes are entered in the third and fourth positions of the SMR code as follows:Third Position. The maintenance code entered in the third position tells you the lowest maintenance level authorizedto remove, replace, and use an item. The maintenance code entered in the third position will indicate authorization tothe following levels of maintenance:
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