TM 9-2350-238-10EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURESPURPOSEThe M578 Recovery Vehicle is used to pickup or tow disabled mechanized equipment, asa crane at repair base, and as a carrying plat-form for spare parts and maintenancepersonnel.CAPABILITIES AND FEATURESThe M578 Recovery Vehicle is a light, full-tracked, self-propelled, diesel-powered vehiclewith a 30,000 lb (1 3,620 kg) boom winchand a 60,000 lb (27,240 kg) tow winchmounted in an armored cab. It is highlymobile and maneuverable and may be airtransported. The vehicle is capable of long-range, high-speed operation on improvedroads. It can also traverse rough terrain, mud-dy or marshy ground, snow or ice, and canford streams of a depth of 42 in. (1 06.7 cm).A suspension lockout system and a spadeassembly provide a stable platform and in-crease lifting and winching capabilities of thevehicle. Suspension lockout system, boom,winches, cab, and spade are hydraulicallypowered.A machine gun mount support is installed onthe rigger/gunner cupola to accommodate aBrowning M2 caliber .50 machine gun.LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSThe following pages show location and give abrief description of components and ac-cessories with which the crew must befamiliar to effectively operate the M578Recovery Vehicle.M578 RECOVERY VEHICLE– LEFT FRONT VIEW1 CRANE. Crane consists of boom, cab,boom cylinders, boom cable, tow cable,hydraulic reservoir, seats, and operatingcontrols.2 HULL. Hull is an armor steel and armorsteel plate weldment which forms vehiclechassis.3 FLOODLIGHT. Two 24-volt sealed beamunits provide illumination for nightoperations.4 CRANE OPERATOR’S CUPOLA. Craneoperator’s cupola consists of an armor-plate mounting ring welded to cab and anarmor-plate cover hinged to cab top andcounterbalanced by a torsion bar. Six M 17periscopes are provided for externalvision.1-3
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