TM 9-2350-238-10LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS–CONTINUEDM578 RECOVERY VEHICLE– TOP VIEW1 BATTERY COMPARTMENT ACCESSDOOR. This door provides access for ser-vice and replacement of four batteries.2 RADIATOR FILL CAP COVERS. Thesecovers provide access for checkingcoolant level and filling two radiators.3 DRIVER’S CUPOLA. Driver’s cupola con-sists of an armor-plate mounting ringwelded to hull and an armor-plate cupolacover hinged to hull deck counter-balanced by a torsion bar. Three M 17periscopes are provided for externalvision.4 AIR CLEANER BLOWER ACCESS DOOR.This door provides access for service andreplacement of air cleaner blower and ac-cess to impact wrench and controls.5 TRANSMISSION DECK. This cover pro-vides for access to transmission and for-ward power plant compartment.6 TRANSMISSION OIL ACCESS DOOR.This door provides access for checkingand filling transmission with oil.7 ENGINE DECK. This cover provides ac-cess to engine and rear power plantcompartment.8 ENGINE OIL ACCESS DOOR. This doorprovides access for checking and fillingengine with oil.9 FAN WELL COVER. This cover screensout debris from engine cooling air intakeand provides access to fan belt, ten-sioner, magnetic clutch, and drive shaft.10 DIESEL FUEL FILL COVER. This coverprovides access to fuel cap for fillingvehicle with fuel.11 HYDRAULIC OIL FILL COVER. This coverprovides access for filling hydraulic reser-voir with oil.1-7
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