TM 9-2350-238-10LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS–CONTINUEDM578 RECOVER Y VEHJCLE– TOP VIEW. ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION DECKSREMOVED – CONTINUED456789101112ENGINE OIL FILL. This is the cap andopening through which engine crankcaseis filled with oil.AUXILIARY DRIVE OIL FILL AND LEVEL.This is a dipstick for checking oil leveland opening for filling auxiliary drive withoil.ENGINE OIL LEVEL. This is a dipstick forchecking engine oil level.GENERATOR. A 300 amperes (A), 24 Vdc generator provides all electrical powerfor vehicle operation and battery charg-ing and is controlled by a voltageregulator.PRIMARY FUEL FILTER. This lowpressure filter removes water and largerparticles from fuel.AIR PURGE AND FUEL PRIMESOLENOID. This solenoid allows theoperator to purge and prime fuel systemwith switches in driver’s compartment.SECONDARY FUEL FILTER. This filterremoves additional water and smallerparticles from fuel.FINAL DRIVE. Right and left final drivesconnect transmission to tracks to providevehicle motion.TRANSMISSION. Transmission is anAllison model XTG-411-2A crossdrive131415161718which combines transmission, steering,and braking. It transmits engine powerthrough final drives to track. Thetransmission provides four forward andtwo reverse gear ranges. Vehicle steeringis controlled by mechanical linkage fromsteering bar that moves hydraulic con-trols in transmission. Vehicle braking iscontrolled by service brake pedal andlinkage that moves discs in transmission.TRANSMISSION FILL AND LEVEL. This isa dipstick for checking transmission oillevel and opening for filling transmissionwith oil.TRANSMISSION OIL SCREEN. This filterremoves dirt from transmission oil.POWER PLANT RESERVOIR. Power plantreservoir collects bypass oil and fuelfrom engine and transmission to preventaccumulation in bottom of hull whichwould create a fire hazard.ENGINE OIL FILTERS. These two filtersremove dirt from engine oil.AERATION DETECTOR. Aeration detectorwarns the operator of excessive air incooling system or of low coolant level.TURBOCHARGER. Turbocharger providespressurized air to engine.1-9
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