TM 9-2350-238-10APPENDIX BCOMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSSection I.INTRODUCTIONSCOPEThis appendix lists components of end itemand basic issue items for the M578 RecoveryVehicle to help you inventory items requiredfor safe and efficient operation.GENERALThe Components of End Item and Basic IssueItems Lists are divided into the followingsections:a. Section Il. Components of End Item.This listing is for informational purposes only,and is not authority to requisition replace-ments. These items are part of the end item,but are removed and separately packaged fortransportation or shipment. As part of the enditem, these items must be with the end itemwhenever it is issued or transferred betweenproperty accounts. Illustrations are furnishedto assist you in identifying the items.b. Section Ill. Basic Issue Items. These arethe minimum essential items required to placethe M578 Recovery Vehicle in operation, tooperate it, and to perform emergency repairs.Although shipped separately packaged, Bllmust be with the M578 Recovery Vehicleduring operation and whenever it is trans-ferred between property accounts. The illus-trations will assist you with hard-to-identifyitems. This manual is your authority to re-quest/requisition replacement Bll, based onTOE/MTOE authorization of the end item,EXPLANATION OF COLUMNSThe following provides an explanation of col-umns found in the tabular listings:a. Column (1) – Illustration Item Number(Illus Number). This column indicates thenumber of the illustration in which the item isshown.b. Column (2) – National Stock Number.Indicates the National stock number assignedto the item and will be used for requisitioningpurposes.c. Column (3) –Description. Indicates theFederal item name and, if required, a mini-mum description to identify and locate theitem. The last line for each item indicates theFSCM (in parentheses) followed by the partnumber.d. Column (4) – Unit of Measure (U/M). In-dicates the measure used in performing theactual operational/maintenance function. Thismeasure is expressed by a two-character al-phabetical abbreviation (e. g., ea, in, pr).e. Column (5) – Quantity Required (QtyRqr). Indicates the quantity of the itemauthorized to be used with/on the equip-ment.B-1
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