TM 9-2350-238-10WINTERIZATION KIT–CONTINUEDWINTERIZATION KIT MAINTENANCE12345Oil windshield pin assemblies and enginecoolant heater control box access coverhinge with proper oil for expected temper-atures.Inspect coolant heater, hoses, and fittingsfor leaks. Test indicator light on controlbox by pressing. If light does not operateor if any components are leaking ordamaged, notify unit maintenancepersonnel.Inspect cab heater, fuel tank, lines, andfittings for leaks, Turn on MASTER switchand test indicator light on control box bypressing. If light does not operate or if anycomponents are leaking or damaged,notify unit personnel.Inspect around hydraulic oil immersionheater for oil leaks. Notify unitmaintenance personnel of any leaks.Check that all covers and plugs are cor-rectly installed or stowed and not dam-aged. If any covers or plugs are missing ordamaged, notify unit maintenancepersonnel.ARCTIC TRACTION KITArctic traction kit provides special track padsthat increase traction of vehicle on ice andsnow.Arctic track pads are installed and replacedby unit maintenance personnel.6789Do not use solvent or anyabrasive agent on driver’senclosure,Wash off all sand and dirt from driver’senclosure with stream of water. Thenclean enclosure and windshield with mildsoap and water and soft cloth.Turn on MASTER switch and check opera-tion of windshield wiper on driver’senclosure. Check driver’s enclosure fordamaged window or windshield glass.Notify unit maintenance personnel if wind-shield wiper does not operate or if driver’senclosure is damaged.Check vehicle fuel level before notifyingunit maintenance personnel that coolantheater is defective.Check fuel level in heater tank before noti-fying unit maintenance personnel that cabheater is defective.Arctic track pads require no specialmaintenance, Service and maintain track,track tension, and track shoes in normal man-ner. Refer to pages 3-45 thru 3-50.5-11/(5-12 blank}
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