TM 9-2350-238-10WINTERIZATION KIT – CONTINUEDCAB HEATER OPERATION–CONTINUEDNOTEIf light (4) does not come onwithin 5 minutes, notify unitmaintenance personnel.7 Position HI-LO switch (6) to desired rateof heating.8 When slip ring is warm, open air deflector(3) to allow heated air into cab for person-nel comfort.IMMERSION HEATER OPERATIONDo not operate immersionheater from vehicle slave recep-tacle when engine is not run-ning. Batteries are dischargedvery rapidly by immersionheater.1 Start the engine.2 Connect slave cable (1) (item 8, appx B,Sec. Ill) between cab slave receptacle (2)and vehicle slave receptacle (3) or an ex-ternal 24-volt DC power source. immer-sion heater will be on and start warminghydraulic oil.Do not engage hydraulic pumpclutch switch when temperatureis below –25°F (–32°C) untilhydraulic oil has been warmed.3 Allow hydraulic oil to warm, Inside wall ofcab below hydraulic oil level gauge will bewarm to your hand.4 Actuate hydraulic system (page 2-67). Iffilter bypass light comes on, reduceengine speed until light goes out, or turnoff hydraulic pump clutch switch andallow immersion heater to continue tooperate.9 To turn heater off, set heater START-RUN switch (5) to OFF. Light will stayon until heater is purged. Blower willoperate for approximately 1 minute afterheater is turned off.10 Close fuel shutoff cock (2).11 Set vehicle master switch to OFF.5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 until hydraulic pumpclutch is successfully engaged and filterbypass light remains out. Pull hand throt-tle out slowly, making sure bypass lightremains out, until engine speed reaches1350 rpm.6 Remove slave cable (1). Immersion heaterwill be off and will stop heating hydraulicoil. Hydraulic oil will be heated as long ashydraulic system is in operation.5 - 7
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