TM 9-2350-238-10WINTERIZATION KIT–CONTINUED1 COOLANT HEATER. A diesel fuel burning4 ENGINE INTAKE AIR VENT COVER. Thisheater (1) that maintains engine and bat-cover (4) prevents entry of snow and icetery temperature at starting level. Coolantinto engine air intake system.heater draws coolant from engine, heatscoolant, and then circulates it through5 BATTERY TRAY. This tray (5) has a hol-hollow bottom of battery tray and back in-Iow bottom through which heated coolantto engine cooling system<from coolant heater is circulated to warmbatteries.2 BATTERY COMPARTMENT AIR INTAKEPORT COVER. This cover (2) prevents en-6 DRIVER’S ENCLOSURE. This enclosure (6)try of snow and ice into battery compart-protects driver from wet and cold whilement and engine air intake system.driving vehicle with cupola cover open.Enclosure will fold forward and not in-3 INSULATED BATTERY COMPARTMENTterfere with closing cupola cover. An elec-COVER. This cover (3) provides insulationtric windshield wiper is installed onto help maintain battery temperature atwindshield.starting level.5-3
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