TM 9-2350-238-10ItemNo.4243Table 2-1. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES FOR THERECOVERY VEHICLE M578–CONTINUEDIntervalWeeklyItem toCheck/ServiceBelt(Continued)ProcedureInspect fan belt for proper conditionand tension adjustment as follows:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)DeletedRemove all bolts and washerssecuring fan well deck andremove deck.Check fan belt (1 ) for frayingand proper position in fansheave.Loosen top jam nut (2), thentighten top adjusting nut (3)within operating range ofgauge plate (4).Use wrench or pliers to holdtension shaft (5) and securetension adjustment bytightening jam nut (2).Install fan well deck andsecure with screws andwashers.Not fully MissionCapable if:Belt is missing,frayed, or broken.Adjuster will notadjust.Change 22-47
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