TM 9-2350-238-34-1
The following materials are needed to clean the fabric fuel cells:
a. Pressurized hot water at 100 to 160 °F (38 to 71 °C) and a hose long enough to reach
vehicle top deck.
c . P a i n t t h i n n e r .
d . L i q u i d s o a p.
e. Compressed air (90 to 100 psi (621 to 690 kPa)).
f . S p a r k p r o o f e x t e n s i o n l i g h t.
g. Spray gun with nozzle and connections for air and water.
Prepare cleaning solution of one part cleaning compound and nine parts paint thinner. Mix
solution well. Fill spray gun cup and attach gun to air pressure.
Ensure drained fuel has been removed from under vehicle and provision has been made for
disposal of cleaning solution.
Spray fabric fuel cells with cleaning solution. Cracks will retain residual fuel. Ensure all
s u r f a c e s a r e c o v e r e d.
Allow cleaning solution to remain on surfaces for 15 minutes minimum.
Fill spray gun cup with liquid soap and attach to pressurized hot water.
Rinse fabric fuel cells with soap solution for 5 minutes minimum. Allow rinse to drain holes.
Thoroughly rinse fabric fuel cells with clean warm water.
Do not enter fuel compartments until all sharp objects are removed from clothing and
shoes are wrapped with rags to prevent damage to fabric fuel cells.
Dry fabric fuel cells with clean, dry, absorbent rags,
Test cleanliness of fabric fuel cells, using 12.0 in. (30.5 cm) x 2.0 in. (5.1 cm) wide masking
tape. If tape sticks to fabric fuel cell, the fabric fuel cell is clean. If tape does not stick, repeat
c l e a n i n g p r o c e d u r e s .
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