TM 9-2350-238-34-1
Prolonged breathing of fuel vapors can be fatal. If eyes or skin become irritated by
diesel fuel, flush with water.
Filler blocks are saturated with diesel fuel. Running water must be available to flush
eyes and sensitive skin areas that may be irritated by fuel. If possible, wear coveralls
and protective covers on hands and arms.
The fabric fuel cells are filled with 25 foam filler blocks shaped to fit one way inside
t h e f u e l c o m p a r t m e n t s . T h e f i l l e r b l o c k s m a y h a v e p a i n t e d m a n u f a c t u r e r s n u m b e r s
that should be disregarded. Tag and number each filler block as it is removed for
e a s y i d e n t i f i c a t i o n.
Ensure fuel level transmitter and fuel filler neck and strainer element have been removed (TM 9-
23 5 0 - 2 3 8 - 2 0 - 1 ).
Provide suitable containers to hold filler blocks and catch dripping diesel fuel.
Start at right fabric fuel cell access opening. Remove and tag filler blocks in sequence 1-R thru
1 0 - R a s s h o w n.
Start at left fabric fuel cell access opening. Remove and tag filler blocks in sequence 1-L thru
1 0 - L a s s h o w n.
l Prolonged breathing of vapors can be fatal. Do not enter fuel cells until they have
b e e n t h o r o u g h l y c l e a n e d.
l Fuel compartments that are not entirely free of fuel or fuel vapors must not be welded
or exposed to heat, flames, or sparks. Welding or the use of power sanders, chisels,
and chipping hammers shall be preceded by removal of the fabric fuel cell and by
t h o r o u g h c l e a n i n g.
Perform fabric fuel cell cleaning procedures, refer to page 2-53.
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