1234567Do not disconnect fittings or removeretainer caps until hydraulic pumpsare shut off and system pressure isrelieved. Failure to follow instruc-tions may result in injury to person-nel or damage to equipment.Disassembly and reassembly ofvalves should be performed in aclean, dry, dust-free area to prevententry of foreign matter. Cover valveports to keep out dirt.Remove two hexagon head capscrews (1),two Iockwashers (2), and flow dividermanifold (3).Remove mini check valve (4) and pre-formed packing (5) from multiple connect-or (6). Remove preformed packing frommini check valve.Remove retaining ring (7) from manifoldpipe plug (8).Remove manifold pipe plug (8) and pre-formed packing (9) from multiple connect-or (6). Remove preformed packing frommanifold pipe plug.Remove machine thread plug (10) and pre-formed packing (11) from multiple con-nector (6). Remove preformed packing from machine thread plug.Remove manifold disconnect quick coup-ling half (12), dust plug chain retainingring (13), and dust protective cap (14)from multiple connector (6), Remove dustplug chain retaining ring and dust protec-tive cap from manifold disconnect quickcoupling half.Remove four socket head capscrews (15),check valve (16), and two preformedpackings (17) from multiple connector (6).Remove two preformed packings fromcheck valve.TM 9-2350-238-34-2REMOVAL/DISASSEMBLY2-193
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