TM 9-2350-238-34-22-40. MAINTENANCE OF HYDRAULIC FLOW DIVIDER MANIFOLD AND HYDRAULICFLOW DIVIDER PLUG VALVE (CONT).REASSEMBLY/INSTALLATIONlll12345NOTEApply engine oil (item 15, appx B)to all preformed packings beforeinstallation.Apply sealing compound (item 18,appx B) to all screws beforeinstallation.Step 1 is written for reassembly ofhydraulic flow divider plug valve.Install new preformed packing (1),shouldered washer (2), compression cup(3), and valve assembly machine threadplug (4) in flow divider valve (5).Install new preformed packing (6) andnew preformed packing (7) on flowdivider hydraulic plug valve (8).Install flow divider hydraulic plug valve(8), four new Iockwashers (9), and fourhexagon head capscrews (10) on multi-ple connector (11).Install new preformed packing (12) andnew preformed packing (13) in reliefvalve (14).Install relief valve (14) and four sockethead capscrews (15) on multiple connec-tor (11).2-196
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