TM 9-2350-256-10
· Do not crank engine for longer than 30 seconds at a time.
· Do not attempt to start APU for longer than 5 minutes. If it does not start, notify
unit maintenance.
If APU does not start, repeat procedures and try again. Troubleshoot if engine fails to start on
second try (see tab. 3-1).
To stop APU, turn FUEL SHUTOFF switch (3) to OFF.
Extreme Hot Weather Conditions.
General. Vehicle may overheat during long, hard towing operations in high gear or when driving at high
speeds. Check temperature gages and warning lights often. Stop vehicle to cool it off whenever practical.
Keep ventilating blower on during operation. Inspect air cleaners and oil coolers often. Clean off dust,
insects, or debris from oil coolers by brushing off screens or flushing with low pressure water. Add tropical
electrolyte to batteries (refer to TM 9-6140-200-14).
At Halt or Park.
Do not park vehicle in sun for a long time. Protect it from sun, sand, and dust.
If you cannot find shelter for parking, cover vehicle with canvas. Be sure to protect periscopes, vision
blocks, and engine compartments from sand.
Check vehicle often for rust and fungus when it is shutdown for a long time in hot, humid weather.
Clean and lubricate any areas where this is evident.
Vision Devices. Check periscopes for fungus growth on lenses and clean if any is present. If paint (Appx.
D, items 17, 18, 19, or 20) is chipped, touch up immediately to prevent rusting.
Never let M24 periscope be exposed to direct sunlight. Keep periscope in box
during daytime operation.