TM 9-2350-256-20-1
0030 00
Visually inspect for signs of main winch mechanical failure. If signs of mechanical failure exist, notify
Direct Support Maintenance. If no signs of mechanical failure exist, go to step 3.
Do not attempt to loosen or tighten hydraulic fittings or lines when system is pressurized. Severe injury
or death to personnel may result.
Inspect for any damaged or restricted hoses. Replace hoses as necessary (see WP 0407 00). If no
damaged or restricted hoses exist, go to step 4.
Test for hydraulic motor failure. Remove hose No. 47 from rear of hydraulic motor (see WP 0416 00).
A large volume of oil discharged from port when main winch control valve is engaged indicates a faulty
motor. If a faulty hydraulic motor exists, notify Direct Support Maintenance. If hydraulic motor is not
faulty, go to step 5.
Inspect manual control and linkage (see WP 0407 00) for disconnected, damaged, or missing parts.
Connect linkage and replace or repair missing or damaged parts (see WP 0406 00). If main winch cable
is not damaged and is properly attached to drum, go to step 6.
Ensure main winch cable is not damaged and is properly attached to drum. Replace main winch cable
if required (see WP 0408 00). If main winch cable is not damaged and is properly attached to drum, go
to step 7.
Inspect hydraulic lines and fittings for leaks. Replace leaking hydraulic lines and tighten leaking
connections (see WP 0416 00). If leaks persist, notify Direct Support Maintenance. If no leaks exist go
to step 8.
Test main winch combination control valve by performing STE/ICE-R test No. 51 with 010,000
psig pressure transducer (item 57, WP 0490 00) installed in test gage port No. 50 at main winch level
winder. Remove hose No. 21A from valve, and plug outlet of valve (see WP 0417 00). If no pressure is
indicated on gage when operating hydraulic system, it indicates a faulty combination control valve. If
combination control valve is faulty, notify Direct Support Maintenance. If combination control valve
is not faulty go to step 9.
Test the main winch control valve by performing STE/ICE-R test No. 51 with 010,000 psig pressure
transducer (item 57, WP 0490 00) installed in combination control valve port No. 7. If no pressure is
established when actuating control valve, but pressure is established when removing hose No. 21A
from control valve and plugging outlet, a faulty main winch control valve is indicated. If main winch
control valve is faulty, notify Direct Support Maintenance. If main winch control valve is not faulty, go
to step 10.
10. If main winch still does not operate or operates with difficulty, troubleshoot main hydraulic system
and/or auxiliary hydraulic system (see WP 0034 00 and 0035 00). If main winch operates properly, but
creeps or fails to hold load, go to step 11.
Ensure hydraulic system is at operating temperature.
11. If main winch creeps or fails to hold load, adjust brake. Open door of hydraulic valve forward right
floor plate (see WP 0288 00). Loosen locknut (see WP 0405 00) and tighten main winch adjusting
screw clockwise as far as it will go. Back off adjusting screw one full turn. Hold adjusting screw in
position and tighten locknut. If brake fails to hold load or creeps, go to step 12.
0030 00-2