TM 9-2350-256-20-1
0032 00
Visually inspect for damage. If damage exists and boom cannot be repaired, replace hoisting boom
(see WP 0414 00). If signs of damage exist and can be repaired, notify Direct Support Maintenance. If
no signs of damage exist, go to step 3.
Visually inspect for any indication of class III oil leak at stayline cylinder and actuating cylinder
hydraulic connections. If class III oil leaks are present, tighten fittings (see WP 0416 00). If no leaks
are present, go to step 4.
Do not attempt to loosen or tighten hydraulic fittings or lines when system is pressurized. Severe injury
or death to personnel may result.
Inspect for any damaged or restricted hoses. Replace hoses as necessary (see WP 0416 00). If no
damaged or restricted hoses exist, go to step 5.
Visually inspect for failed or missing boom or hydraulic cylinder attaching pins. If any failed or missing
pins exist, notify Direct Support Maintenance. If no failed or missing pins exist, go to step 6.
Test equipment must be able to withstand 19502050 psi (13,44514,135 kPa). Improper test equipment
could burst during testing and cause personnel injury or death.
Test for boom combination control valve failure. Perform STE/ICE-R Test No. 51 with 010,000 psig
pressure transducer (item 57, WP 0490 00) installed in pilot-operated relief and unloading valve gage
port. With the main hydraulic system operating, actuate boom combination control valve lever. If
pressure is 19502050 psi (13,44514,135 kPa), go to step 7. If 19502050 psi (13,44514,135 kPa) is
not read, notify Direct Support Maintenance.
Visually inspect stayline cables to ensure cable connections are intact. If stayline cables are discon-
nected, reconnect cables as required (see WP 0414 00). If stayline cables are connected, go to step 8.
Inspect boom limit valve actuating shaft for binding. Move boom limit valve actuating arm by hand
and lubricate shafts (refer to TM 9-2350-256-10). If binding cannot be corrected, notify Direct Support
Maintenance. If no binding exists or binding was corrected, go to step 10.
Inspect boom limit valve for defective or broken actuating arm linkage. If any defects exist, notify
Direct Support Maintenance. If no boom limit valve actuating arm linkage defects exist, go to step 11.
0032 00-2