TM 9-2350-256-20-1
0047 00
Reconnect wire 10 to 15 A circuit breaker. Disconnect wire 76 from circuit breaker side of FUEL
PUMP switch. Place red lead of multimeter in wire 76 and black lead to ground. Turn MASTER switch
on, and check for voltage. Turn MASTER switch OFF. If voltage is present, go to step 9. If voltage is
not present, repair/replace wire 76 of fuel pump switch panel lead assembly (see WP 0199 00).
Reconnect wire 76 to circuit breaker side of FUEL PUMP switch. Disconnect wire 76 from panel side
of FUEL PUMP switch. Place red lead of multimeter on terminal of FUEL PUMP switch and black
lead to ground. Turn MASTER and FUEL PUMP switches ON and check for voltage. Turn MASTER
and FUEL PUMP switches OFF. If voltage is present, repair/replace wire 76 of starter switch wiring
harness (see WP 0206 00). If voltage is not present, replace FUEL PUMP switch (see WP 0159 00).
10. Disconnect wire 10-419 from Y-connector of switch panel, radio, and bilge pump to bulkhead wiring
harness at main switch panel. Turn MASTER switch on, and check for voltage. If voltage is present,
repair wire 419 from Y-connector at main switch panel to APU control box bulkhead wiring harness.
If voltage is not present, go to step 11.
0047 00-6