TM 9-2350-256-20-2
0365 00
23. Install rubber boot (61), rubber bushing (66), and clamp (65) to rod assembly (50). Do not tighten clamp.
24. Install rod end (63) and nut (64) to one end of rod assembly (50) and slide other end of rod assembly through bulkhead (62).
25. Connect rod assembly (50) to lever (56) with screw (57) and lockwasher (58).
26. Install rod end (59) and nut (60) to rod assembly (50).
Linkage must be completely installed, aligned, and adjusted before cementing rubber boot in place.
27. With control adjusted and brake pedal released, ensure rubber boot (61) is extended to 5-5/8 in. (142.9 mm), tighten clamp
(65), and cement rubber boot to bulkhead (62) with adhesive.
28. Install clevis (54) and nut (55) to rod assembly (49).
29. Connect rod assembly (49) to rod assembly (50) with screw (51), lockwasher (52), and nut (53).
30. Install rod assembly (32) to rod assembly (49) with two nuts (47) and turnbuckle (48).
31. Install six rollers (46) and six bolts (45).
0365 00-14