TM 9-2350-256-20CHAPTER 70:MAINTENANCE OF PERSONNEL HEATER AND CONNECTINGCOMPONENTS, AND FIXED FIRE EXTNGUISHER SYSTEM10-1 REPLACE PERSONNEL HEATER-Continued2Disconnect electrical harness (2).Fuel line contains fuel. Fuel and oil areslippery and can cause falls. To avoidinjury, wipe up spilled fuel or oil withrags.3Disconnect fuel line (3) and adapter (4) frompersonnel heater (5).4Remove two clamps (6) and personnel heater hose(7) from personnel heater (5).5Remove exhaust hose clamp (8).6Remove two clamps (9) and personnel heater (5).7Remove two saddle assemblies (10) by removingfour screws (11) and four lockwashers (12).8Remove four screws (13), four lockwashers (14),and air circulation ventilator (15).10-2
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