TM 9-2350-256-20CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE lNSTRUCTlONS2-17 HYDRAULIC TROUBLESHOOTING-ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP-Continued1Ii no oil flows from hose, check hose for damageor restriction and replace as necessary (seeparagraph 12-1). If oil flow cannot be restored,go to step D. If oil flows, go to step C. Ifmechanical transmission drive shaft does notrotate, notify Direct Support Maintenance.2If no oil flows from hose after checking hosesand replacing as necessary, this indicates adefective power control valve. Notify DirectSupport Maintenance.C Inspect main hydraulic pump drive shaft. If shaft isrotating, go to step D. If shaft is not rotating, go tostep E.Do not attempt to loosen or tightenhydraulic fittings or lines when system ispressurized. Severe injury or death topersonnel may result.D Inspect all hydraulic hoses and connections forvisible indication of leaks or damage.Replacehydraulic hoses and tighten fittings as necessary (seeparagraph 12-1). If problem persists, go to step E.E Inspect main hydraulic pump for broken ordamaged shaft coupling. Tighten bolts and/orreplace missingbolts and lockwashers (seeparagraph 12-1). Ii additional damage is present ormain hydraulic pump still does not operate, notifyDirect Support Maintenance. If main hydraulicpump operates but is noisy or fails to developsufficient pressure and no additional shaft couplingdamage is present, go to step F.Dry-cleaning solvent used to clean partsis potentially dangerous to personnel andproperty. Do not use near open flame orexcessive hear. Flash point of solvent is138°F (59°C).Particles blown by compressed air can bedangerous. Be certain to direct air stream2-54Change 1
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