SECTION V: TROUBLESHOOTINGTM 9-2350-256-20WARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags,bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts a metalsurface a direct short may result in instantheating of tools, damage to equipment, andinjury or death to personnel.F Reconnect wire 486 to circuit breaker side of manifoldpreheat switch. Disconnect wire 486 from bulkhead sideof manifold preheat switch. Place red lead of multimeteron switch terminal and black lead to ground. TurnMASTER switch on, push START and manifold preheatswitches, and check for voltage. Turn MASTER switchOFF. If voltage is present, go to step G. If voltage is notpresent, replace manifold preheat switch assembly (seeparagraph 4-9).G Reconnect switch panel to neutral safety switch tobulkhead wiring harness to main switch panel. Open airinlet doors (TM 9-2350-256-10). Disconnect bulkhead toengine harness and starter relay wiring harness frombulkhead disconnect. Place red lead of multimeter on pinB of wire 486 and black lead to ground. Turn MASTERswitch on, push START and manifold preheat switches,and check for voltage. Turn MASTER and manifoldpreheat switches OFF. If voltage is present, go to stepH. If voltage is not present, replace/repair wire 486 ofswitch panel to neutral safety to bulkhead wiring harness.H Reconnect bulkhead to engine wiring harness and starterrelay wiring harness to bulkhead disconnect. Disconnectwire 486 from connector near bulkhead disconnect.Place red lead of multimeter in female connector andblack lead to ground. Turn MASTER switch on, pushSTART and manifold preheat switches, and check forvoltage. Turn MASTER switch OFF. If voltage ispresent, go to step I. If voltage is not present,repair/replace wire 486 of bulkhead to engine wiringharness and starter relay wiring harness from femaleconnector to bulkhead disconnect (see paragraph 6-72).2-75
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