SECTION II: SERVICE UPON RECEIPTTM 9-2350-256-207Open components and support item boxes and inventory contents with packing list furnished with eachcontainer. Record missing items.8Install radio, periscopes, night viewer, and machine gun mount as required.9Remove sealing from battery vent plugs, add electrolyte, charge (refer to TM 9-6140-200-14).b. Pre-Operational Checkout1Drain power takeoff lubricant to operating level.2Perform before-operation preventive maintenance checks and services (refer to TM 9-2350-256-10).3 Check lubricant level in engine, transmission, and auxiliary power unit.Check DA Form 2258(Depreservation Guide for Vehicles and Equipment) to assure proper lubricant.4Perform complete lubrication in accordance with TM 9-2350-256-10 and Appendix J.5Check operation of all controls.6Start engine and check immediately for generator blower operation and for fuel and oil leaks.NOTEDue to internal processing, engine may start hard, smoke excessively, and run erratically. However,conditions should greatly improve after five minutes running time. Failure to obtain full enginepower will necessitate performing troubleshooting procedures to isolate and correct problem.7Repeat above step for the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU).8Perform complete TM 9-2350-256-20 PMCS and road test as outlined in this manual. Record all equipmentfaults on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet).c. Vehicle Road TestRefer to TM 9-2350-256-10 for vehicle operating instructions.Road test long enough to make sufficientobservations that operation is normal (5 to 10 miles [8 to 16 km] ) for new, rebuilt, or overhauled vehicles.Observe instrument panel gages and warning lights during road test. Do not travel at excessive speeds, acceleraterapidly, or in any way load the engine or power train to capacity during break-in period. Stop at least every mileand observe external parts of vehicle. Check for loose parts, lubricant leaks, and overheated hubs on roadwheels,support rollers, and compensating idler wheels.d. After Road TestUpon completion of road test, perform TM 9-2350-256-10 PMCSNOTEMain engine, transmission, auxiliary power unit engine, power takeoff, winch gearcases, andhydraulic reservoir will not be drained unless expected temperatures require drain and fill withdifferent viscosity oil. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-10 and Appendix J for detailed instructions. Thepreservative oil in the transmission is good for 100 miles (102 km) and should not be drained duringvehicle deprocessing.Change 12-3
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