CHAPTER 2: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTM 9-2350-256-20TABLE 2-1. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES FOR THE MSSA1--ContinuedLocationItem ToNot FullyItemCheck/MissionNo.IntervalServiceProcedureCapable If:19SSteeringWith vehicle operating in moderate speed and steeringcontrol centered, check for any tendency to wander or pullto one side. If either of these conditions exist, checksteeringcontrols and linkage adjustment in accordance withparagraph 9-72.20SBrakesa. Accelerate vehicle to 15 miles per hour (mph) (24Brakes dokilometers per hour [kph] ) and do the following:not operateproperly(1) Release accelerator and apply brakes.(2) Observe if vehicle stops effectively without pullingto one side. Vehicle must stop within 4 feet (ft) (1.2meters [m] ), when stopping at 15 mph (24 kph).b. With vehicle on an incline, do the following:S(1) Depress brake pedal and move transmission shiftlever to P (park) position.(2) Observe if brakes lock securely and vehicle is heldin place.21STrans-Shift through all forward and reverse speed ranges andmissionnotice if transmission shifts smoothly, without excessivevibration or unusual noises, and that response issatisfactory.22SAcceleratorCAUTIONControlsandIf governor malfunctions, engine speed mustLinkagesnot exceed 2640 rpm for more than 2 or 3seconds.a. Move the accelerator through its entire range andobserve if engine rpm response is satisfactory.b. With the transmission lever in neutral position, theIdle is notengine should idle smoothly between 675 and 725 rpm.between 675and 725 rpmc. Adjust accelerator controls and linkages in accordancewith paragraph 9-79.2-22
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