SECTION III: PREVENTlVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES [PMCS]TM 9-2350-256-20ItemNo.IntervalLocationItem ToCheck/ServiceProcedure45464748Main WinchClean and lubricate cable (refer to TM 9-2350-256-10).Hoist WinchClean and lubricate cable (see Appendix J).HoistingBoom andDeckAttachmentsa.Clean and lubricate stayline cable in accordance withAppendix J.b. Inspect boom yoke/pulley cotter pins. Replace ifdamaged or missing (see paragraph 11-11).Gas/ParticulateFilter UnitW A R N I N GThe unit commander or senior officer in chargeof maintenance personnel assigned to removeand dispose of contaminated gas filters mustprescribe necessary protective clothing to beworn during this operation. They must alsoprescribe necessary safety measures to befollowed including the decontaminationoperation that must be performed before newgas filters are installed in housing assembly(refer to TM 3-220).Check that air flow is 3.0 to 4.5 standard cubic feet/minute(scf/m) or 2.1 to -1.5 inch water gage (IWG) at each stationusing the M39 Tester (Appendis B, item 160).Not FullyMissionCapable If:Cotter pinsmissing ordamagedChange 12-31
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