TM 9-2350-256-34-1
c. Cleaning.
(1) Scrape cork gasket and silicone adhesive from
all areas. Clean with a wire brush, then with dryclean-
ing solvent or mineral spirits paint thinner. Dry with
compressed air.
(2) Clean dirt and other foreign material from all
metal parts with drycleaning solvent or mineral spirits
paint thinner. Dry with compressed air.
(3) Remove dirt and other foreign material from
electrical leads and connectors with a wire brush and
clean water. Dry with compressed air.
d. Inspection and Repair.
(1) Inspection.
(a) Inspect support, mounts, cooling duct, chain
case and chain cover for cracks, distortion and break-
(b) Inspect threaded parts for nicks, cross
threading and other evidence of excessive wear.
(c) Inspect drive chain for cracks, breakage and
other evidence of wear which could cause breakage.
(d) Inspect hose and hose assemblies for fraying,
cracks, distortion and other evidence of excessive
(e) Inspect sprockets for damaged teeth, cracks,
distortion and other damage which would impair their
(f) Check continuity of electrical leads and in-
spect for cuts, damaged connectors and other evidence
of excessive wear.
(g) Inspect panels, gaskets, and grommets on
engine for cracks, tears, and hardening.
(h) Inspect hydraulic pump, generator and other
parts for damage that would impair their use.
(2) Repair.
(a) Replace support, mounts, cooling duct, chain
case and chain cover if not repairable by welding.
(b) Repair damaged threads with a thread
chaser or replace threaded parts that are defective.
(c) Replace damaged lead wires and connectors
(fig 3-20).
(d) Replace any other parts that are defective.
d.1. Generator/Starter Brush Sanding Procedure.
To seat the brushes sufficiently, and eliminate hard-
s t a r t i n g p r o b l e m s , w h e n
t h e g e n -
erator/starter, or its brushes, sand the brushes accord-
ing to the following procedure.
(1) Remove generator/starter from the auxiliary
power unit (View U, fig 4-5).
( 2 ) R e m o v e b r u s h g u a r d b a n d f r o m g e n -
(3) Remove screw to brush lead wire.
(4) Move aside brush retainer springs (View B, fig
4-5.2) sufficiently to clear brushes. A screwdriver or
stiff piece of wire bent into a hook shape can be used to
accomplish this.
(5) Remove both brushes in any one brush set, and
insert a piece of sandpaper (about 2 wide and 180
grit) beneath empty brush holder (View C).
(6) Insert only one brush back into holder (View
D), and while pressing down on top of the brush light-
ly, move it back and forth in the holder, and against
the sandpaper until the entire face of the brush is
sanded. This only requires about a dozen firm strokes
of the brush against the sandpaper.
(7) Replace brush set back into the brush holder.
(8) Replace brush retainer springs on top of brush.
(9) Replace brush lead wire using its respective
mounting screw.
(10) Repeat (3) through (9) above for all six brush
sets in the generator/starter.
(11) Replace brush guard band.
(12) Replace generator/starter onto auxiliary
power unit (View V, fig 4-5).
e. Assembly. Assemble the auxiliary power unit in
reverse order of disassembly, applying sealing com-
pound (NSN 8030-00-543-4384) to all pipe threads
except swivel fittings. During assembly, apply silicone
R T V T y p e I a d h e s i v e s e a l a n t ( N S N 8 0 4 0 - 0 0 -
225-4548) to gaskets, aline sprockets and tap or drill
hole as required (fig 4 - 5).
f. Tests and Adjustments.
(1) General. All testing and adjusting of the auxil-
iary power unit must be accomplished with the unit
outside the vehicle. A test stand (fig. 4-2) is required.
Calibration of the current limiter is to be done in the
vehicle. Refer to TM 9-2350-256-20.
(2) Test outside vehicle.
(a) Make sure that all lines, cables, accessories
and other components are properly installed, tight-
ened and adjusted. Fill chain case and crankcase to the
proper levels (TM 9-2350-256-10) if required.
(b) Using a ground cable assemblies and seven
hose assemblies provided for the test run outside the
vehicle (table 2-1), fuel lines and hydraulic system as
shown in figure 4-6.
Change 8
4-19 (4-20 Deleted)