TM 9-2350-256-34-2
2 - 7 .
Installing Lock Wire
Locking wire is to be installed
by the double twist
Application of Sealing Compounds
Application of sealing compound to pipe threads is
specified in applicable sections of this manual.
R e f e r t o T M 9 - 2 3 5 0 - 2 5 6 - 1 0 a n d T M 9 - 2 3 5 0 -
256-20 for detailed lubrication instructions
c o v e r i n g t h e c o m p o n e n t s o f t h e R e c o v e r y
2 - 1 0 .
Maintenance and Operation of Main
Hydraulic System
a. General. The main hydraulic system powers
and controls the main winch. hoist winch, hoisting
boom and spade. The main winch and hoist winch
are driven by vane-type hydraulic motors, and the
hoisting boom and spade are actuated by hydraulic
cylinders. Hydraulic fluid, under pressure for op-
erating the hydraulic motors and hydraulic cylin-
ders, is provided through a closed power circuit by
a fixed-displacement, vane-type, double pump driv-
en by a mechanical transmission (power takeoff)
from the main engine. The hydraulic pump draws
its fluid from the hydraulic oil tank, and pump
output is controlled by engine speed. The operation
of the hydraulic motors and the hydraulic cylinders
is controlled through the control circuit. Each winch
hydraulic motor is provided with a pilot-operated,
spring-centered, directional combination control
valve which directs the fluid in the power circuit
to the winch being operated. These directional con-
trol valves are remotely controlled by manually
operated hydraulic control valves, which direct con-
trol pressure to them. The directional combination
control valves for the spade and boom cylinders
are manually controlled. Any internal leakage
through the hydraulic motors, cylinders, or valves
is returned to the hydraulic oil tank by tank return.
Description of operation of the basic circuits in
the main hydraulic system will be found in sub-
paragraphs b through j below. Schematic diagrams
of the main hydraulic system idling, and the hydrau-
lic system operating the main winch, hoist winch,
hoisting boom, and spade are shown in figures FO-1
through FO-9.
Refer to TM 9-2350-256-10 for operating in-
structions for the winches, power takeoff,
and hoist system.
b. Main Hydraulic System-Idling (Fig. FO-1).
With the main engine operating at system idling
speed, the power control valve is placed in the ON
position, directing mechanical transmission pump
pressure to the clutch (port no. 228), thus engag-
ing the clutch which permits the mechanical trans-
mission to drive the main hydraulic pump. The
pump draws filtered fluid from the hydraulic oil
tank (port no. 69) and discharges it through two
outlet ports (port nos. 1 and 44) under pressure.
The pump discharge pressure is directed to the re-
lief and unloading valve (port no. 2) and the hoist
winch combination control valve (port no. 27).
Pump discharge pressure passes through the relief
and unloading valve, (port no. 3) through the
hydraulic subplate (port nos. 136 and 125) of the
main hydraulic control panel, and to the system
selector valve (port no. 45) which is placed in the
MAIN position. The pump pressure is then directed
to, and blocked at the spade and boom cumbination
control valves (port no. 33), as they are in their
normal spring-centered HOLD position. Differential
pressure across the pilot pressure valve, in the main
relief valve, forces the valve open to allow a paral-
lel flow (port no. 4) of pump discharge pressure
to be directed to the hoist winch combination con-
trol valve (port no. 22). Differential pressure across
the pilot pressure valve, in the hoist winch combi-
nation control valve, forces the valve open, direct-
ing the pump pressure (port no. 20) to the main
winch combination control valve (port nos. 12 and
13), where the action duplicates the hoist winch
combination control valve and the hydraulic fluid
is returned to the oil tank (port no. 11). Hydraulic
pressure is directed to both sides of the winch
motors (port nos. 17 and 18) by the spring-centered
directional control valve in the winch combination
control valves.
c. Main Winch-Payout (Fig. FO-2). With the
main winch control valve placed in the PAYOUT
position, the pilot pressure (port nos. 15 and 16)
tends to equal pump discharge pressure and is
directed to both ends of the pilot-operated direc-
tional control valve (port nos. 8 and 10) in the main
winch combination control valve. The ends of the
directional control valve differ in size, the larger
end at port no. 10 and the hydraulic differential
across the valve causes it to move, directing the
flow of pump pressure to one side of the main
winch motor (port no. 18), causing the motor to
drive the main winch in the PAYOUT direction.
The pilot pressure is also directed to the main winch
brake cylinder to disengage the winch brake. Pump
Change 7