TM 9--2350--292--10PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT0070 00THIS WORK PACKAGE COVERS:Preparation for MovementINITIAL SETUP:Personnel RequiredThreeReferencesWP 0046 00WP 0047 00WP 0048 00WP 0049 00WP 0050 00WP 0101 001. Retrieve all cables (WP 0048 00, WP 0049 00 or WP 0050 00).2. Lower boom and secure in travel lock position (WP 0047 00).3. Strap down 35--ton hook block in boom tray (WP 0047 00).4. Raise spade to locked position (WP 0046 00).5. Stow all equipment in its proper stowage locations.6. Close and secure all stowage compartment doors, access doors and access plates.7. Perform all BEFORE--OPERATION PMCS tasks (WP 0101 00, Table 1).END OF TASK0070 00--1/2 blank
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