TM 9--2350--292--100101 00--53PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES INCLUDINGLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS -- CONTINUED0101 00TABLE 4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES, WEEKLY--CONTINUEDItem No.Not Fully MissionCapable If:CREWMEMBERProcedureLOCATIONItem to Check/ServiceIntervalDRIVER3WeeklyBoomVisually inspect boom travel lock foroperation and condition.Visually inspect boom, rollers, cylinders,boom levers, and pulleys for conditionand damage.Boom travel lock isdamaged or missing,which would allowboom to bounce upand down whilevehicle is moving;broken or bentpulleys.DRIVER4WeeklyAuxiliary PowerUnitPark vehicle on a level surface. OpenAPU compartment door until secured byhold open latch (WP 0030 00). Checkand fill crankcase and check and fillchaincase in accordance with Table 6,WP 0101 00.
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