TM 9--2350--292--100101 00--57PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES INCLUDINGLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS -- CONTINUED0101 00TABLE 4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES, WEEKLY--CONTINUEDItem No.Not Fully MissionCapable If:CREWMEMBERProcedureLOCATIONItem to Check/ServiceIntervalDRIVER7WeeklyPersonnel SideDoorsa. Inspect for presence and operation(WP 0024 00).b. Check for loose or damaged crashpads and door seals.Missing/inoperable.Will not lock in closedposition.DRIVER8WeeklyStowage Boxesand StowedEquipmentCheck condition of boxes and equipment(Table 3 and 4, WP 0131 00) to see if theyare present, secure, clean andserviceable.Equipment necessaryfor the completion ofthe mission isdamaged or missing.
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