TM 9--2350--292--20--10052 00--1DUST DETECTOR SYSTEM OPERATING. POWER PLANT WARNING LAMPAND DUST DETECTOR WARNING LAMPS “ON” AND PRESSURE SWITCHPLUNGERS ARE VISIBLE0052 00THIS WORK PACKAGE COVERS:Dust Detector System Operating. Power Plant Warning Lamp And Dust Detector Warning Lamps “ON” AndPressure Switch Plungers Are VisibleINITIAL SETUP:Tools and Special ToolsGeneral mechanic’s tool kit (item 1, WP 0717 00)Equipment ConditionsVehicle MASTER switch OFF (TM 9--2350--292--10)Engine deck removed (WP 0417 00)Personnel RequiredTwoTighten or replace clamps asnecessary (WP 0213 00).Verify fault is corrected.Is filter strip restricted?Check dust detector filter strip for restrictions(TM 9--2350--292--10).noyesAService turbo dust detectors(TM 9--2350--292--10). Verifyfault is corrected.Are clamps loose or defective?Check turbocharger inlet hose for loose ordefective clamps.noyesBReplace seals (WP 0213 00).Verify fault is corrected.Are seals missing or defective?Check at turbocharger air inlet elbow and aircleaner outlet elbow for missing or defectiveseals.noyesCCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEWARNINGRemove rings, bracelets, wristwatches,and neck chains before working on anyvehicle. Jewelry can catch on equip-ment and cause injury, or may shortacross an electrical circuit and causesevere burns or electrical shock.
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