TM 9--2350--292--20--10172 00--6WARNING HORN DOES NOT SOUND WHEN ENGINE IS RUNNING ANDSYSTEM WARNING LIGHT IS LIT -- CONTINUED0172 00Hnoyes1. Remove gauge panel from bracket(WP 0243 00).2. Disconnect harness 4W103 P1 from gaugepanel.3. Place one multimeter lead in socket D ofharness 4W103 P1 and other lead in socket Cof harness 4W115 P2 horn relay connector.Check for continuity.Repair (WP 0290 00) orreplace (WP 0321 00)harness 4W115. Verifyfault is corrected.Is continuity present?CONTINUED FROM STEP FInoyes1. Open air intake grilles above batterycompartment (TM 9--2350--292--10).2. Disconnect harness 3W143 P2 from bulkheaddisconnect.3. Place one multimeter lead in harness 4W115P2 socket A and other lead in harness 3W143P2 receptacle socket S. Check for continuity.Repair (WP 0290 00) orreplace (WP 0321 00)harness 4W115. Verifyfault is corrected.Is continuity present?Go to WP 0083 00.END OF TASK
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