TM 9--2350--292--20--1
0187 00--4
0187 00
Services -- Continued
(4) Service. Servicing covers operations such as adding battery water, draining and refilling units with oil and
changing or cleaning the oil filters, fuel filters and air cleaners.
(5) Tightening. All tightening operations should be done according to specified torque readings where noted
in this manual. When specific torque limits are not indicated in the maintenance procedure, use the general
torque limits that are given in WP 0720 00.
When torque values are not specified in the maintenance procedure, care should be taken not to strip or dis-
tort threads by over tightening. Prior to tightening, clean the screw holes to remove lubricant, dirt, fluids and
other foreign matter. Tightening includes the correct installing of lockwasher, nut, lockwire or cotter pin need-
ed to secure the tightened nut or bolt in place.
General torque limits in WP 0720 00 cannot be applied to screws that retain rubber components. The rubber
components may be damaged before the correct torque limit is reached. If a special torque limit is not given
in the maintenance instructions for rubber component, tighten the screw or nut until it touches the metal, then
tighten it one more turn.
(6) Repair. Restore an item to serviceable condition. This includes, but is not limited to, inspection, cleaning,
preserving, adjusting, replacing, welding, riveting and strengthening.
DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, is used by the mechanic to record periodic
maintenance services performed and faults corrected. The item number on DA Form 2404 must correspond to the
item number of the preventive maintenance check.
Specified items to be checked are found in Table 1 through Table 4. Before you begin to check specific items, re-
member to check things common in all areas.
Perform Unit Maintenance level repair or replacement as
authorized. Report faulty equipment which is beyond Unit
Maintenance as prescribed in DA PAM 738--750.
Electrical Wires and Connectors
Electrical wiring should be checked for cracks due to aging and for exposed wires which cause electrical shorts.
Repair with electrical tape or replace. Check connectors and tighten if loose (complete wiring diagram, harnesses
and detail in Chapter 8 and electrical schematics (FP--1 through FP--22) of this manual). Notify support mainte-
nance if further repair is required.
Many items are attached to the vehicle with welds. Check for damaged welds by looking for chipped paint or oxida-
tion. Notify support maintenance if further repair is required.
Check for leaks around seals. Check gasket material. Check door and hatch seals. Check for deterioration,
cracks and tears.