TM 9--2350--292--20--1SERVICE UPON RECEIPT -- CONTINUED0186 00OPERATIONAL PROCEDURESInitial Starting and Break--inNOTEEngine may contain preservative oil upon receipt. Pre-servative engine oils PE1 and PE2 are identical to engineoils OE--10 and OE--30, except that they contain a pre-servative additive. PE1 and PE2 will be used in the samemanner as the regularly used engine oils OE--10 andOE--30 until the first oil change.Start and run engine (TM 9--2350--292--10) until preservative oil is out of combustion chambers and engine is oper-ating smoothly. Check for fuel and oil leaks immediately.NOTEDue to international processing, engine may be hard tostart and may smoke and run rough. Let it run for 5 min-utes and see if it improves. Perform troubleshooting pro-cedures if engine fails to develop full power after 5 min-utes.Perform complete annual PMCS (Table 4, WP 0187 00).Operational TestTest vehicle systems for proper operation (TM 9--2350--292--10).Road TestRoad test vehicle to check and qualify all operational systems (TM 9--2350--292--10).EQUIPMENT FAULTSEquipment faults disclosed during preliminary inspection and servicing or during break--in period will be correctedby the using unit or support maintenance.Serious equipment faults which appear to involve unsatisfactory design or material will be reported on SF 368,Quality Deficiency Report (Category II), as prescribed in DA PAM 738--750.END OF TASK0186 00--3/4 blank
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