TM 1-1680-320-13&P
0035 00
1. Remove control pendant cable (1) from control panel assembly (2).
2. Disconnect electrical connectors (4, 5, and 6) from control panel assembly (2).
3. Remove lockwire and disconnect electrical connectors (3 and 7) from control panel assembly (2).
4. Remove boot clamp bands (8) by removing clips (9) using pliers.
5. Remove boot (10) from winch and plenum fan assembly.
6. Back off four screws (11) until flush with control panel (2).
Control panel contains sensitive electrical components. Handle with care.
7. Loosen bottom bolts (12).
8. Remove top bolts (12) and washers (13).
9. Rotate control panel (2) away from boom position support assembly.
10. Remove bottom bolts (12).
11. Remove control panel (2) from lower support assembly.
0035 00-2