TM 10-1670-262-12&P
1-9. General.
This section contains a functional description of the personnel STABO extraction system and the fast rope. Also included
is the deployment bag, which is utilized to carry all the ropes.
1-10. Personnel STABO Extraction System.
The personnel STABO extraction system is used with the cargo and personnel lowering anchoring device to provide a
means of rapid pickup of personnel by UH-1 aircraft from areas which prohibit helicopter landings. The personnel
harness is worn by personnel on the ground. As the pickup process is initiated, the helicopter hovers over the pickup
area at altitudes up to 150 feet above the ground. After ensuring the applicable end of the extraction system suspension
rope is connected to the anchoring device installed in the aircraft, a member of the aircraft crew drops the extraction
system deployment bag from the left side door of the aircraft. A maximum of three extraction system units may be
connected and dropped simultaneously, which will allow the extraction of three individuals on one flight. As the
deployment bag descends, the suspension rope deploys until the bag reaches the ground. The individual to be extracted
then attaches the two bridle snap hooks to the lift V-rings on his harness and after assuring the leg straps are connected
and tight, notifies the aircraft by radio or hand signals that lift-off may begin. The helicopter then lifts the individual(s)
from the area and, with the retrieved personnel suspended beneath the aircraft, moves to an area where a safe landing
can be made. The helicopter then lowers the suspended personnel to the ground, lands, and allows the personnel to
board the aircraft.
Each suspension rope is capable of suspending one individual weighing 240 pounds. The
maximum total static weight that may be suspended in-flight from one door of the UH-1 is 720
1-11. Fast Rope.
The fast rope is a polyester rope which is 1 3/4 inches in diameter, olive drab in color, and is issued in 60-foot, 90-foot,
and 120-foot lengths. The top of the rope has an 8-inch eye splice to allow the rope to be attached to specially equipped
helicopters. At the bottom of the main rope, a 9/16-inch diameter white nylon rope is spliced into the main rope to form
three extraction loops. A 9/16-inch diameter black nylon rope is also spliced into the main rope to form three safety loops
at the same position as the extraction loops.
1-12. Deployment Bag.
The deployment bag is made of cotton duck and is of the roll-type closure design. The bag, when packed, contains the
suspension rope, bridle, and safety rope. The lower end of the bag has a 1 0-pound ballast weight installed which aids
the deployment of the suspension rope from the helicopter.